Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Around the House: Labels & Numbers

In my last post, I mentioned how I'm a sucker for anything numbered, labeled, lettered, etc.  I thought it would be fun to go around the house and look for some of these items - so here we go....
You've already seen my new numbered coat rack (which is already coming in so handy!):

Next, just in case I forget where the butter goes:

Same thing for the coffee:

In our living room, we have this  (the "M" was from Kohl's and the vinyl was from Uppercase Living....and no, it's not actually crooked, I promise.  it looks that way because the letters are different sizes....believe me, we've measured repeatedly):

And for another laundry room sneak peak, I'm planning on using this to store all the goodies I find in pockets before doing the laundry (wahoo for $5 deal at Pottery Barn Outlet!):

And here's some instructions on what actually goes on in the laundry room (more about these later):

My latest find, labeled measuring cups (from Christmas Tree Shops for less than $3!):

And, one for my wish list - "Comfort Food" casserole dishes, new from Pottery Barn (here's hoping no one else likes them and they come to the outlet soon!):
So there you have it, my slight obsession with all things labeled.  It will have to stop soon or you might see my children are walking around with their names on their foreheads.


  1. Cute, cute stuff. Good finds I love a good bargain. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. just a little laughter to go with your last photo

  3. hilarious sonya! i didn't even notice what was in the bowl!! i looked at that site - my favorite is the christmas tree striptease :)


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