After talking to many people and doing more research over the course of the year, I came to the conclusion that I would re-try the Great Canning Experiment. This time, I started with a different pot. I heard from several sources that a stainless steel pot would work better on the smooth top stove, because it doesn't have the ridges on the bottom like an enamel pot, and it holds the heat better. So I bought a stainless steel canner
I also purchased two highly recommended books - the Ball Complete Book of Home Preservation
This post is not going to include any step-by-steps or how-tos, but look for those in the near future! Instead, for now I am going to share some pictures, recipes, and links I have found helpful.
Here's what my canning shelves are currently looking like:
Yay for shelves in the dark cool basement - perfect for my jars! |
- Peach Butter (Ball book)
- Peach Jam (Ball Book)
- Peach Fondue (Ball Book)
- Peach Salsa (You Can Can)
- Peach Pie Filling
- Honey-Packed Peaches
- Peaches in light honey syrup
- GG's Pickles (3-day Lime Pickles)
- Pizza Sauce (Mrs. Wages packet)
- Sweet Pickle Relish (You Can Can)
- Lemon Ginger Marmalade (Ball book but also found in a step-by-step format with pictures at Wendolonia)
I love seeing those flecks of lemon peel as the light shines through! |
Yep, I've been having some FUN with canning! And it wasn't even a difficult learning process - as long as you can follow instructions, you will be fine!
It's apple & pear season now....can't wait to get the canning started!!
If you are interested in canning, you can follow my I Can Can Pinboard here!
What have YOU been canning????
Loving the photos. I just started canning this year too after a bumper crop of cucumbers from our first ever garden. So tasty, so much fun! I found some great recipes on another blog, (not my space). She had a great recipe for brandied pears that I canned recently and cannot wait to try. Good luck!
I'm SO glad you posted! I have checked nearly everyday to see if you were still around. I HAVE MISSED YOU!!! I figured it was because it was summer and you had said you were spending time with the kids that you weren't posting. I can't wait to get caught up on all you and your family have been doing.
I want to try canning but have been a fraid to try. However, I love bulk cooking and freezing. Have you read Jill Bond's Dinner's in the Freezer? Highly recommend and the Make a Mix books also. You make your own cake mixes and other convenience foods. Great stuff and ideas. Check out the local library - you should be able to get them through interlibrary loan if not available and there is always Amazon.
Glad you are back!
yay! so excited for you. so my idea on coming up and doing applesauce with you is not feasible on my end. with my mom being the hospital for a week and a half it pushed back a lot of my of them being raised beds for the spring vegetables that i need to plant this fall. so as much fun as it would've been, i'm going to opt out. but, i'm so excited to see that you're getting your "can" on!
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