I'll be honest....one of the reasons I like blogging is for the compliments. There, I said it. I think it's probably true for most bloggers, if we're being honest. One of my love languages is definitely "words of affirmation" and I can't lie - when one of my posts gets a comment, or someone likes one of my ideas, it makes me happy! On the flip side of things, I also love looking at other blogs for inspiration, and I love leaving encouraging comments for others. But I have to be honest here, too...sometimes a twinge of jealousy can set in - thoughts of, "Wow, she really has it all together," "I wish I had the money to do that," "I wish I had that talent," and especially, "ohhhh I am SO jealous of that kitchen," can abound.
It's kind of like real life, isn't it? We present our best selves for the public - get dressed up nice to go grocery shopping, trying to keep up with the latest styles, and of course, when someone asks us how we are doing, are we ever anything other than, "fine?"
Over the past year or so, I have definitely been challenged to be real. I try to show the real me in my daily life - because no one is perfect, and it is so hard keeping up appearances! I know that I have been created with a purpose, and that although my talents, gifts, and abilities might differ from the next person's, they are just as important: "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10.
You are probably wondering what all this has to do with a hideous kitchen. Well, here's another confession: I have a terribly ugly kitchen. It's small, it's old, it has terrible lighting. So far in my blog, I've only shown things I am proud of or things I like.....but in thinking about being real, I decided to link up my REAL kitchen to Love Stitched's kitchen linky party! So here we go - on to the tour of my hideous kitchen - hope you like blue!
Ok, there have been some improvements. Here's the view from the kitchen into the hallway when we first moved in about 3 1/2 years ago....
What's that? You want a close-up of the goose wallpaper?
Honk! |
And here it is now....no wallpaper, fresh paint, and new flooring (and the hallway now leads to our brand spankin' new laundry room!)
Here's the view of the kitchen from the hallway pictured above. I do love the new flooring and refrigerator!
This little waste of space is to the right of the refrigerator. We never use this door...it's old and definitely not too energy efficient. When we redo the kitchen, it's coming out! (Although in the meantime, it's a nice spot to hang aprons and put the dog dishes).
Ahhh....where to begin? The paint above the cabinets started coming off like crazy when we removed the wallpaper. Three of the cabinet doors have been stripped, we were planning to paint them all white, but the project stalled when we realized the amount of time and energy it would take to redo all the cabinets that will be coming out eventually anyways. (We do have plans drawn up for the future, and this whole wall is coming out to make one big kitchen/dining room!)
Here's a close-up of my stunning dishwasher....as in, I'm stunned the thing still works!
An even closer close-up....we just assume that the correct button to push is the one that's been used the most :)
The drawers are definitely sold wood. Unfortunately, they create this fine sawdusty mess on everything below. Don't worry, I wash all the stuff before I use it.
Having a somewhat mischevious toddler, you never know what you'll find....
from her spoons with the casserole dishes.... |
....to some feminine products in the bread drawer! |
Here's the reason my lighting is less than wonderful....
The only source of light is from two spotlights on a track! |
This is the view of the other side of the room....there used to be an eat-in area there with a few built-in cabinets, but we ripped it out when we put the new flooring in. I'm sooo glad we did, but it did make me lose a lot of storage space, so I'm hunting for something to put here. In the meantime, I'm using this cabinet, which will eventually be painted and put in the laundry room!
I feel like my 16 month old might have as much kitchen storage as I do! |
One last shot - the view from the dining room. Did I already mention how I love the new floor? :)
Now, I definitely don't want this post to be seen as complaining - maybe some of you are thinking "What is she talking about? It's not that bad!" I am totally blessed to live in the home I do, to have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom, and to live comfortably! Yep, I'm even blessed to have the kitchen I do! It may not be up to date, or look nice, or have all new appliances - but I have a kitchen! It's indoors. It has running water. Electricity. Even a little storage :)
I hope you are inspired by all the beautiful kitchens linked up over at Love Stitched and out there in blogland - I know I can't wait to look at them! But if you feel that twinge of jealousy, I hope you are inspired by mine too - knowing you don't have to be perfect or have the perfect space! The real you is just lovely!

PS - There's also a great giveaway going on over at Love Stitched for a really cute "eat" sign from Signs of vintage....go here to check it out!!
PPS - Speaking of Brittany at Love Stitched, she has a great deal going on today over at GroopDealz (one of my FAVORITE bargain sites!) Her super adorable Chrysanthemum Flower Necklaces are over half off and come in 4 different colors!
And the other deal of the day from Wonderfully Wordy are these cute Menu & Scroll decals....only $3!!
Thanks for your post and for being 'real'. I have a pretty nasty kitchen too. Maybe I'll be brave and post about it too! Blessings!
I was laughing out loud about the feminine product in the bread drawer~! lol
Your hallways looks amazing you did a great job re-doing it!! and your kitchen does need some love but you could TOTALLY work with those blue cabinets and just freshen up the walls and such :)
thanks so much for linking up! I love to feel like I really know my readers and now I can say I've hung out in your kitchen ;) lol
Love it! It's not perfect and there is something good in that!
Being honest though I am so LOVING the blue cabinets!!! It is so different and yeah I like it =)
It's lovely how open it is...so much potential!!
I love this post SO much!! We all have a spot in our lives like that and kudos for putting it all out there!! And yanno what??? I actually don't mind the blue cabinets! I think you could really play it up and have some fun with it, but I like funky kind of colors! Awesome post!
I like where your kitchen is headed! And I agree...I LOVE your floors!!! :) :) I know how you feel about the storage thing haha. I don't have much storage either! :)
Wow what a transformation in that hallway! It looks beautiful. You all did an excellent job and I love the paint color. You already have such a nice kitchen so that gives you a real head start. I really like your blog!!
I'm discouraged by your comment about how much work it is to repaint cabinets! The new house we are moving into has oak cabinets and we already discussed painting them an antique white, but I didn't realize it may be so much work!!! Knowing my hubby, we'll be living with the old cabinets for YEARS! Good things take time, I guess!
I can totally identify with your post today!! I live in a house that was built over 20 years ago, and is a most inconvenient configuration. We don't have a ton of extra money, so we have to redo the kitchen little by little, which means we are always in an awkward stage with it. Lol
Yay for keepin' it real today!!
Angie, your post really hit home for me today as I am struggling with some of these issues lately. Thanks for being open and honest...and inspiring me to do the same!
Ok I just came across your blog through {love stitched} I linked my kitchen up too...can I just say I was laughing out loud!! Can we please hang out?!? You are hilarious! you are a great writer and I love your blog! I am the latest follower! Come stop by my blog! I don't think I am as funny as you though!:)
{simply delicious}
This was a fun post to read! How funny about your "stunning dishwasher"! I'm sure you will eventually have the kitchen of your dreams, but I know what you means about being blessed to have a kitchen. I used to take my teenagers to an island where our family has land, and we would camp for several weeks at a time in the summer. Cooking occurred over a fire (I eventually brought out a propane grill) or over a barrel stove. Storage was several large blue plastic barrels so we could seal up our pantry items from critters :) It always felt luxurious to return home to our 1940s dishwasherless kitchen at the end of summer!
I'm here from Love Stitched. I laughed when I saw your dishwasher because I had one just like it about two houses ago! We did the same thing, push the button that was worn off because surely that had to be the one to use! Anyway, I'm in the same boat, stuck with a kitchen I don't like. Unfortunately for me, this is a rental, so I don't think it'll be changing any time soon!
Oh, how I feel your pain. We have an original-to-the-house kitchen that is just nasty. One day I'll post the pics. Not yet though... not yet. ;)
P.S. You're right, the new floor looks great!
Stopped by from the link party. I think your kitchen has a lot of potential. I hope you are able to make your yours someday.
Way to go, Angie! I LOVE what you wrote about everything!!!! The dishwasher does crack me up! :-)
Hey Pookie. Great post! I admit, i have felt a good bit of jealousy when looking at other blogs... especially your's! "Money" and "time" are two sticking points I always seem to complain about. (Even if it's just in my head.) At church the past couple of months, we've talked a lot about being real and living in a "room of grace" with each other. And God has certainly put his finger on the jealousy issue in my life... especially as we work on our own "new house" and I keep thinking about all the things I have to compromise. But you're so right... we have SO MUCH! A pastor's salary isn't much, but it's a salary... and it's more than what 90% of the people in the world get! Plus it's where God wants us, and even though I eventually let my mind wander to what life would be like if Ben had taken a better-paying job, I know we'd be outside God's will for our lives and miserable! So anyway, thanks for 'fessing up to something you consider an imperfection! I love you and miss you so much!
i've never seen a blue kitchen-and your "honk" comment cracked me up. really, tho, those cabinets have a good base shape. could you put a little corner banqette with a storage bench where you have the temporary cabinet?
Love it! :)
lol! I feel the same way, sometimes you just want to throw in the towel on blogging. But your right and I think when you take time to build a home and a family line upon line, day by day, add a little here a little there. It build character and
Value. In your home and your family : ) Great job!
I found your blog by the link to your growth chart (adorable!) at The Lettered Cottage, but it's this post that made me follow you. Love the reality and humor! My kitchen is much less than lovely and the reno is still years away. Hang in there!
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